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Showing posts from August, 2009

Training and Dog Behavior Videos on YouTube!

Just a quick blog tonight. I created a YouTube account to be able to post some videos on another dog site. Then I thought why not put some of my best training and dog behavior videos on YouTube for my Wayside peeps, Akita peeps and anyother peep that wants to watch. I have three videos posted right now. One is a corny video of Jade coming when called at the lake. The other two show two sets of dogs playing in slow mo. If you want to get really good at reading dog behavior watch it at 20-30% of it's normal speed, without the sound. Listen with your eyes, I'll say it again. Listen with your eyes! When I work with people and their dogs, they break up the good play and let the bad behaviors escalate into a fight. My rule of thumb is to stay about 3 feet away from a dog when I first bring them into a playgroup. It's close enough for me to read the b ehavior of the new dog, others in the group and intervene if I have to. This is Jade and Devito p...

Another milestone with Jade

Another Milestone with Jade I've been busy with my Wayside Waifs dogs this week, but I did hit some new milestones with Jade this week. It's funny that so many training classes spend a whole day of class on Sit and Stay. In reality a trainer could spend 8 weeks alone on sit and stay. How so you ask? Most classes are happy the dog sits with the owner standing there with a leash, or stay when the owner walks a measly few feet away. Today Jade performed a Stop,Sit and Down and come from 50 feet away in my driveway. She's up to a 5 minute stay, but that's with her in a down or sit stay in my driveway and me in the house. I call that an out-of-sight stay. She also has learned to stay even if I sprint away into the house. I'm usually not a big stay p erson with my dogs, but I know she needs to learn a good solid stay command. On this last lake trip we walked for two hours and I'm not sure she balked at even one come, stop or sit. Jade is becoming quite the dog. Her...